Henry Tam

Henry Tam

鄧毓照牧師, 主任牧師, 全職長老 (英語)

Born and raised in Seattle to an immigrant Chinese family from the Philippines, Pastor Henry believed upon Jesus Christ while at the University of Washington. In his last year at college, he answered God’s call to ministry while on a mission trip to Indonesia. After graduating with a BS in Computer Science, he went on to receive his M.Div. at The Master’s Seminary. He then returned to his home church in Seattle where he was ordained to pastoral ministry. Pastor Henry is blessed to be married to his wife Cindy and to raise their three children together. He has been serving at SF Bible since 1999. His passion in ministry is to explain the word of God so that the people of God can grow in love for God and our neighbors. His other interests include drinking coffee, eating barbecue (esp. his wife’s), and admiring God’s creation.

Raymond Fung

Raymond Fung

馮思聰牧師 (英語)

Raymond was born and raised in Oakland, California and grew up going to a Christian school where he received Christ as his Savior. He received his Bachelor of Arts in English from California State University, Northridge. He got his Master of Divinity at the Master’s Seminary, and is currently in the Doctorate of Ministry at the Master’s Seminary. Ray served at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles for 10 years before accepting the call to serve at San Francisco Bible Church in 2017. Ray is happily married to Kelly since 2016, and they have three children. His interests include exercising, reading, gaming, and spending time with his family.

Roger Jeong

Roger Jeong

張振根牧師 (英語)

Born and raised in San Francisco, Pastor Roger grew up in a Christian home. He repented of his sins and placed his faith in Christ in high school. It was during his high school years that he began to aspire to pastoral ministry. Through the faithful ministry of the church and the pastoral staff at SFBC, Pastor Roger grew in his faith and was encouraged to pursue further theological education and training. He received his BA in Bible Exposition from The Master’s College, his M.Div from The Master’s Seminary, and his D.Min in Biblical Counseling from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served at SFBC as a part of the pastoral staff since 2017. Pastor Roger is happily married to his wife Stacey. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with Stacey as they take care of their dog and enjoy good coffee. He is also an avid sports fan and is a loyal Giants, Warriors, and 49ers fan.

Theo Low

Theo Low

助理牧師 (英語)

Theo was born and raised in San Francisco. During High School, he felt the desire to pursue full-time ministry. Striving towards that goal, Theo received his Bachelor of Arts in Bible Exposition from The Master’s University and then went on to get his Master of Divinity from The Master’s Seminary. When he is not doing ministry, he enjoys hanging out with his wife and kids. Together they enjoy rooting for bay area sports teams, collecting sneakers, Pokémon cards, and Funko Pops.

Charles Chan

Charles Chan

陳玉棠牧師, 榮休牧師 (粵語)

陳玉棠牧師於 1956-1960 年間在香港建道神學院攻讀神學學士學位 (Th.B)。於 1961-1964 年間在香港浸信會大學攻讀社會學學士(B.A.)。於 1965-1967 年間在香港浸信神學院攻讀道學學士(B.D)。於 1967-1970 年間在香港浸信神學院攻讀道學碩士(M.Div)。於 1970-1973 年間在亞洲神學研究院攻讀神學碩士(ThM)。在 1970 年開始分別在黃大仙、東頭村、橫頭磡、荃灣、大窩口等建立福音堂址。同時期,在秀茂坪浸信宣道會明基小學擔任校牧,擔任教導五、六年班聖經課的工作。後來,陳牧師成為秀茂坪明基堂主任牧師,亦在香港浸信神學院任宗哲系教授。於 1976 年加入中文聖經中譯會,參於長達二十年的中文聖經新譯本的翻釋工作,並擔任主要翻釋員。陳玉棠牧師於 1984 年成為三藩市聖經教會中文部主任牧師,三十多年來以譯經式講道以正意講解真理。陳牧師於 2016 年退休。退休後間中亦有在主日中講道。

Sam Chan

Sam Chan

陳信恩, 帶職長老 (粵語)

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Sam grew up in a pastor’s home and received Christ as his Savior when he was in high school. He received his B.S. in Computer Engineering from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and became a software engineer. Currently, he is studying at The Master’s Seminary. Sam and his wife, Virginia, have three children. He has attended SFBC since 1985 serving at the Cantonese department. In his spare time, Sam enjoys collecting classic video games and Japanese robot toys.

Craig Hou

Craig Hou

帶職長老 (英語)

Craig was born and grew up in the Los Angeles area. In his teens, he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. Craig received his Medical Degree from UCLA and a Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies from Moody Theological Seminary. He enjoys traveling and spending time outdoors with his wife and two children. In addition to being a fan of baseball, he is an avid indoor cyclist.

Johnson Huen

Johnson Huen

禤偉成, 帶職長老 (粵語)

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Johnson attended a Hong Kong Christian secondary school. He started going to a Christian fellowship when he attended college in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Later, he was baptized in the last year of college. He is married to Rita and has attended SFBC since 2001. Some of his hobbies include exploring the outdoors and traveling.

Albert Lee

Albert Lee

帶職長老 (英語)

A native of San Francisco, Albert received Christ as his Lord and Savior during his Junior Year at Cal. He started attending SFBC in 1971. He and his wife Grace have three children and have been blessed with six grandchildren, four boys and two girls. Albert enjoys reading, studying, quiet walks, and watching old classics.

Brian Lee

Brian Lee

帶職長老 (英語)

Brian was raised in a Christian home, but did not truly trust in Christ as Savior until his college years at UC Berkeley. Since then, his desire has been to help people understand the truths recorded in the Bible and to see the relevance of God’s Word for their lives. He began serving in youth ministry sometime around 1999, and came to SFBC with his wife, Josephine, in 2007. His areas of ministry are currently the LIFE high school fellowship and adult Sunday School. Brian and Jo have three children.

Stan Leong

Stan Leong

帶職長老 (英語)

Stan was born in Hong Kong and moved to San Francisco when he was one and a half years old. After growing up in the San Francisco Public School System, Stan went on to UC Berkeley for his Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology and to UCSF for his degree in Pharmacy. But, it was at Berkeley that the Lord revealed His mercy and redeemed Stan through His Son Jesus Christ. Stan has served at SFBC since 1978 and his passion is in the Worship Ministry. Stan is blessed to be co-partners in music with his wife, Sandy, and together, they raised four wonderful children. He is currently thrilled to watch his grandchildren grow up.

Dale Low

Dale Low

帶職長老 (英語)

Born and raised in San Francisco, CA, Dale put his faith in Christ in college, where he received his B.S. at University of California, Berkeley. Later he would attend Dallas Theological Seminary, where he received his Th.M., in 1982. Dale is married to Lisa and has three adult children and six grandchildren. He has served at SFBC since 1985.

Benny Lui

Benny Lui

雷俊仁, 帶職長老 (粵語)

Benny was born in Hong Kong and raised in Hawaii. Christ saved him by God’s sovereign grace when he was 11 in Hawaii. Benny started attending SFBC in 1995. Benny graduated from The Master’s University with a BA in Christian Ministry and an MA in Biblical Studies. He is married to Helen. He enjoys chatting and coffee with people. Among his hobbies are badminton and traveling.

Bill Yim

Bill Yim

帶職長老 (英語)

Born and raised in San Francisco, Bill received Christ in 1967. Bill received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Berkeley and his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of California, Los Angeles. A retired United States Army Reserve colonel, Bill is married to Kathy and has two adult children and five grandchildren. Bill has attended San Francisco Bible Church since 1967. In his spare time Bill enjoys family time, reading, and practicing tai chi for health.